Category: Start Here

One Question Political Candidates Must Answer Before Running

Before running for office, political candidates needs to ask themselves if they are willing to go negative during the campaign. If the answer is no, then they should
Brian Floyd

The 7 Major Habits of Winning Political Candidates

If you as a political candidate are legitimately serious about winning your election, then you need to learn the seven key habits nearly all winning political candidates have in
Brian Floyd

The Pros and Cons of Running for Office Against an Incumbent

They say it’s hard to beat an incumbent and there’s plenty of data to back that up. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible if you’re challenging someone for their
Brian Floyd

The First 7 Things Winning Political Candidates Should Do

I get asked by a lot of first time political candidates what are the first things they should do once they decide to run for office. You’re probably wondering
Brian Floyd

3 Things All Political Campaigns Have in Common

All political campaigns have three things in common, regardless of whether they are successful or not:  the candidate who’s running, the money spent, and the issues important during the
Brian Floyd

When Should a Political Candidate Start Running for Office?

One of the biggest things that harms a political candidate’s chances of winning an election if they start running too late. But when should a candidate start campaigning? And
Brian Floyd

Top 3 Things Winning Political Campaigns Have in Common

All winning political campaigns share three things in common. They are easy to remember because each of these elements begins with the letter M. They are:  Message, Money, and
Brian Floyd

3 Vital Things Winning Political Campaigns Have in Common

All winning political campaigns all have three important things in common. It may sound simple but it’s true. And campaigns that lose usually fail in at least one of
Brian Floyd

Why Family Must Always Come First on Political Campaigns

Do you know what the most important asset a candidate can have when running for office?  It’s not money. It’s not volunteers. It’s not a winning message. While all
Brian Floyd

3 News Sources Winning Candidates Must Read Each Morning

When voters are selecting a candidate to vote for, they are typically looking to back a person they believe is a leader. Leaders are seen as informed members of
Brian Floyd