
Choosing a Winning Campaign Website Name

Every political candidate for elected office needs a website.There’s no exception to that. Yes even in the age of social media mania, your campaign still needs one of those
Brian Floyd

Ballot Titles: How to win on Election Day

All candidates should take ballot titles seriously.  The right title can help you win.  The wrong title can do exactly the opposite. Below a candidate’s name is their “ballot
Contributing Author

Why Winning Candidates Often Say “No”

Do you want to know one of the biggest secrets of being a winning political candidate? It’s actually not much of a secret as it’s the key to success
Brian Floyd

7 Winning Lessons from Losing Campaigns

Not all candidates win their first election. In fact, most first time candidates don’t win. My uncle lost three times before he won his first election, then went on
Brian Floyd

5 Important Questions Winning Candidates Ask

You’re thinking of running for office, which is great.  But before you do there are five questions you must first answer.  They’re the questions all winning candidates ask and
Brian Floyd

Campaign Lessons from Britain’s EU Vote

A week and a half before the celebration of America’s Independence Day, the voters of Great Britain declared their independence from the European Union. No one should be surprised by
Brian Floyd