6 Rules Candidates Should Follow on Election Night

Election Night is a big deal. It’s the culmination of a long campaign and a typically long day of making sure all your supporters got to the polls or
Brian Floyd

How Polling Can Help You Win Big on Election Day

Opinion polling is a major part of modern campaigning and politics. If you doubt this, just turn on your preferred cable news channel.  There’s a good bet there’s a
Brian Floyd
Winning candidates are always consistent and on target with their message.

Why Winning Candidates Always Stay on Message

Successful political campaigns have several things in common. One of them is consistent messaging. A candidate who has a message that strikes a chord with the largest group of
Brian Floyd
Candidates Can Raise Money and Feel Good About It

How to do Fundraising and Actually Feel Good About It

Fundraising is the hardest thing in the world for a candidate to do. It is the hardest thing in the world for anyone to do. Most of us are taught
Contributing Author

Why Candidates Should Always Hire a Professional Campaign Treasurer

The fastest way a candidate for elected office can get into trouble is with money. Now I’m not talking about stealing money from the campaign account or using campaign
Brian Floyd

How to Win Big on Election Day by Walking Precincts

About 15 years ago I ran a field campaign for a guy that got elected to the California State Assembly. The candidate was a highly disciplined and articulate professional. He was serious
Contributing Author

How to Raise More Money with Back of the Envelope Fundraising

You need to do this ONE THING and start your fundraising right now. This is real simple.  And it will not cost you a dime. Have you heard of “back
Contributing Author

How to Win with Robo Calls on Election Day

How to win with Robo calls is a hotly debated topic that has been going on for decades now. Though many people beleive they are a complete waste of time,
Contributing Author

How Political Candidates Win with Live Telephone Calls

Telephone calls are an essential part of every successful political campaign’s voter contact strategy. Today, many campaigns are specifically using mass text messaging to communicate on the phone with
Brian Floyd
All political candidates need a website.

Why Winning Candidate Must Always Have A Campaign Website

This should go without saying, but in 21st Century America, your campaign needs to have a website. It doesn’t matter if you are running in an area that only
Brian Floyd