Category: Strategies & Tactics

Why Winning Candidates Give Voters a Holiday Break

This is an article I never thought I’d have to write, but it seems too many candidates just won’t give voters a break during the holidays. So I’m going
Brian Floyd

The 7 Major Habits of Winning Political Candidates

If you as a political candidate are legitimately serious about winning your election, then you need to learn the seven key habits nearly all winning political candidates have in
Brian Floyd

Why Political Candidates Should Use Humor When Going Negative

As a candidate, if you find yourself in a tight race you’re probably going to need to attack. And there’s a way to do it without coming off as
Brian Floyd

The Pros and Cons of Running for Office Against an Incumbent

They say it’s hard to beat an incumbent and there’s plenty of data to back that up. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible if you’re challenging someone for their
Brian Floyd

What Tom Brady Can Teach Political Candidates About Winning

Whether your love or hate Tom Brady, there is much political candidates can learn from Brady and his NFL career. The principles that Tom Brady has lived by earned
Brian Floyd

When Should a Political Candidate Start Running for Office?

One of the biggest things that harms a political candidate’s chances of winning an election if they start running too late. But when should a candidate start campaigning? And
Brian Floyd

3 Personality Traits Voters Want in Political Candidates

If you’re a candidate for office these days you’ve got a thankless job. A huge majority of Americans simply do not trust people in public office or seeking it.
Brian Floyd

5 Winning Lessons from Political Campaign Mastermind Arthur Finkelstein

One of the most successful political strategists of contemporary American politics passed away Friday, August 18, 2017 — Arthur Finkelstein. If you’ve never heard of Arthur, don’t worry about
Brian Floyd

Why Consistency is Key to Winning an Election

You have a winning message that’s about the voters, centers on issues that extremely frustrate them, and have a realistic plan to make things better for your community. But
Brian Floyd

It Takes More Than Money to Win an Election (Ask Jon Ossoff)

Believe it or don’t, money isn’t the most important factor in determining who wins an election. Yes, having plenty of cash on hand is necessary if you’re serious about
Brian Floyd