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2 Winning Candidates Discuss Candidate Debates and Forums

I wanted to share some insights on debates and forums from two different candidates who each won their election this year in two very different states:  Texas and California.
Brian Floyd

Why Winning Candidates Always Participate in Debates and Forums

As a candidate for any elected office you’ll be asked to participate in public forums and debates. This is a part of the political process that in America dates
Brian Floyd

Why Voter Identification is Essential to Winning a Political Campaign

As Election Day comes closer, your campaign activities will switch from those of persuasion to those of GOTV – Getting Out The Vote. Many candidates make a huge mistake
Brian Floyd

The Secrets of a Successful Get Out The Vote Operation

When I first stepped into a campaign headquarters I kept hearing the term GOTV. I thought it was a special election program for campaign insiders. Quickly I found out
Contributing Author

Live Telephone Calls vs. Robo Calls on a Political Campaign

Even in the age of the Internet, email, and Facebook, telephone calls remain a highly effective way to contact voters. In almost every campaign I run telephone calls are
Brian Floyd

Why Winning Candidates Always Chase the Early Voters

As I recently wrote, not all voters are equal. Some voters are more important than others because they always vote. These high propensity voters are key to winning a
Brian Floyd

Why Live Telephone Calls Still Win Political Campaigns

As a candidate for office, there are many ways for you to communicate with the voters. But which methods are best? Which ones are the best use of your
Brian Floyd

3 Rookie Mistakes Political Candidates Make With Campaign Signs

I’ve never worked on a political campaign where the candidate didn’t want signs. Every candidate wants campaign signs. They play an important part in the campaign process. Unfortunately too
Brian Floyd

When Live Political Campaign Telephone Calls Go Bad

I’m a huge proponent of candidates making live phone calls. Live telephone calls are a great way to reach the voters, especially those who are not home when you
Brian Floyd

Don’t Make These Mistakes With Your Candidate Comparisons

In a close or a tough race one of the most effective ways to distinguish yourself from your opponent, or opponents, is by doing a candidate comparison. Candidate comparisons
Brian Floyd