Category: Articles


Candidate Beware! The Press is not a Friend to your Campaign

As a candidate for elected office you will need to deal with press in some form of fashion. Most people who have never run for office lack any experience
Brian Floyd

3 Lessons to Learn from Hillary Clinton and her 2016 Election Loss

Hilary Clinton is all over the country right now promoting and selling her book What Happened. The purpose of the book is to explain and rationalize why she lost
Brian Floyd

If You Want to Win Your Election, You Need to Raise Money

The easiest way for a good candidate with good ideas to lose an election is by failing to raise money. Honesty, this happens far more than I’d like to
Brian Floyd

5 Things Winning Candidates Have When Walking Door to Door

The best way for a candidate running for local office to get known and gain voters support is by walking precincts. Candidates who spend the time and energy canvassing
Brian Floyd

5 Ways Winning Candidates Announce Big Endorsements

You’ve landed a big endorsement for your campaign. This endorsement carries such weight that it will increase your profile as a candidate. The endorsement may help you raise money,
Brian Floyd

Top 3 Things Winning Political Campaigns Have in Common

All winning political campaigns share three things in common. They are easy to remember because each of these elements begins with the letter M. They are:  Message, Money, and
Brian Floyd

What Kind of Elected Official Will You Be? A Leader or a Politician?

This wasn’t the article I intended to publish today. I’m not even sure I should be writing it. However it’s something I feel very strongly about and want to
Brian Floyd

5 Winning Lessons from Political Campaign Mastermind Arthur Finkelstein

One of the most successful political strategists of contemporary American politics passed away Friday, August 18, 2017 — Arthur Finkelstein. If you’ve never heard of Arthur, don’t worry about
Brian Floyd

Why Political Party Stereotypes are Dangerous to Campaigns

Political party stereotypes go like this: all Democrats favor activist government, legal abortion, and placing limits on 2nd Amendment rights, while all Republicans want smaller government, no restrictions on
Brian Floyd

The Power of a Three-Point Plan in Political Campaign Messaging

A key part of a candidate’s winning message is The Plan. The Plan tells the voters what you the candidate want to do on their behalf should they elect
Brian Floyd