Category: Fundamentals


Top 10 Reasons Political Candidates Lose Elections

Why do so many candidates for public office lose elections? In my professional experience, there are typically ten main reasons why candidates fail to win the office they are
Brian Floyd

How Local Endorsements Help Win Elections

Do not underestimate the power of local endorsements to help your campaign. Every candidate wants their local police, fire, mayor, sheriff, etc. to endorse their campaign. But endorsements from
Contributing Author

Stop! Don’t tear down that Sign! You’ll regret it!

Let’s not lie to each other. You want to tear down your opponent’s sign, don’t you? It would give you some sense of satisfaction and maybe a bit of
Brian Floyd

The Dangers of Self-Funding Your Political Campaign

Do you have the financial ability to self-fund your political campaign for elected office? I’m not talking about a really small race where it’ll cost less than $5,000 to
Brian Floyd

The One Totally Committed Supporter Every Winning Candidate Must Have

A spouse is the one individual that every successful candidate needs to know is a completely committed supporter of their political campaign.
Brian Floyd

6 Rules Candidates Should Follow on Election Night

Election Night is a big deal. It’s the culmination of a long campaign and a typically long day of making sure all your supporters got to the polls or
Brian Floyd