Category: Articles


Winning Candidates Don’t Stop Getting Out The Vote

If you want to win your election, you need to Get Out the Vote (aka GOTV) all day on Election Day — or you may not win. I have seen
Contributing Author

Why Winning Candidates Keep the Message Simple

In a tough election, the candidate with the clearest and most concise message typically follows the old adage of marketing and campaigning known as KISS:  Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Brian Floyd

How Local Endorsements Help Win Elections

Do not underestimate the power of local endorsements to help your campaign. Every candidate wants their local police, fire, mayor, sheriff, etc. to endorse their campaign. But endorsements from
Contributing Author

Important Memorial Day Tips for Candidates

Memorial Day is Monday.  What does this mean to you as a candidate?  Potentially a lot depending on how you handle this important American holiday. For many Americans Memorial
Brian Floyd

Grassroots: How to build a winning Election Day coalition

Scott Adams contributed this article on grassroots organization to The Campaign School. Scott is a bonafide campaign professional who wrote the book on grassroots organizing.  He cut his political
Contributing Author

Stop! Don’t tear down that Sign! You’ll regret it!

Let’s not lie to each other. You want to tear down your opponent’s sign, don’t you? It would give you some sense of satisfaction and maybe a bit of
Brian Floyd

How to Win an Election by Chasing Vote by Mail Ballots

Chasing Vote By Mail ballots wins elections. Running a good chase program is like GOTV (Get Out The Vote) every day of the month running up and through Election
Contributing Author

Important advice to candidates for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is Sunday.  What activities do you have planned for your campaign? The answer better be a resounding NOTHING! Mother’s Day is considered an unofficial holiday in the
Brian Floyd

Why Candidates with a Good Story Win Elections

We all love a good story. There’s nothing like seeing a movie that transports you somewhere else or a novel that you get lost in, or sitting down and
Brian Floyd

The Dangers of Self-Funding Your Political Campaign

Do you have the financial ability to self-fund your political campaign for elected office? I’m not talking about a really small race where it’ll cost less than $5,000 to
Brian Floyd