Category: Start Here


How to Hire a Political Campaign Consultant

Are you thinking you need to hire a professional political consultant to run your campaign? If so, then you need to be slow and methodical about it. There’s five key
Brian Floyd

5 Important Questions Winning Candidates Ask

You’re thinking of running for office, which is great.  But before you do there are five questions you must first answer.  They’re the questions all winning candidates ask and
Brian Floyd

Do you need to hire a political consultant?

Your name’s on the ballot. Election Day is looming on the political horizon. Friends and neighbors are asking if you can give them signs for their yards. There’s too much to
Brian Floyd

How To Create Winning Political Endorsement Cards

Endorsement cards are a great thing to have when you are running for office. These simple cards are both important and affordable. Endorsement cards are one of the first
Contributing Author

How To Create Winning Endorsement Cards for Your Political Campaign

Endorsement cards are a great thing to have when you are running for office. These simple cards are both important and affordable. Endorsement cards are one of the first
Brian Floyd

How to Make a Great Remit Envelope to Raise More Money

If you are going to raise money for your campaign you must have a remit envelope. A remit envelope is a key fundraising tool that provides you a means
Contributing Author

The One Totally Committed Supporter Every Winning Candidate Must Have

A spouse is the one individual that every successful candidate needs to know is a completely committed supporter of their political campaign.
Brian Floyd

Winning Candidates Always Make SMART Goals

The smartest and most qualified candidate does not always win the Election. It’s the candidate with the SMART goals who often comes out on top. Members of both major
Brian Floyd

Why Candidates Should Always Hire a Professional Campaign Treasurer

The fastest way a candidate for elected office can get into trouble is with money. Now I’m not talking about stealing money from the campaign account or using campaign
Brian Floyd