How to Win (or Lose) an Election with High Propensity Voters

In America we believe that all people are equal regardless of age, sex, race, religion, income, or education.

On Election Day all votes carry equal weight.

But when it comes to winning an election, there are some voters that are much more important than others to a political campaign.

Now before you decry  that “our system is broken” or some cliched complaint like that, let me assure you this has nothing to do with these voters financial status or any undue political influence they might have.

A voter’s value to a political campaign is based upon how consistently they show up to vote.

The most important voters in any primary election or local race are the high propensity voters in the district.

In many races I’ve been a part of, how the high propensity voters went determined which candidate claimed the victory and which one went down in defeat.

As explained in detail in this article —>  Why Winning Candidates Understand Voter Propensity —  high propensity voters always show up to vote.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running in a General Election, a Primary Election, an Off Year Election, or a Special Election — you can count on high propensity voters to cast a ballot.

When an Election is scheduled any time other than November of an even numbered year, high propensity voters will make up the vast majority of the voter turnout.

They will be deciding your contest. Therefore you must communicate effectively with the high propensity voters and earn their support.

Even if you are running in a November Election of an even numbered year, high propensity voters are still extremely vital to your success.

That’s because mid propensity and low propensity voters who cast ballots tend to vote in contests for President, Governor, and U.S. Senate, but more often than not do not vote in every race that is up.

This is what is referred to as “ballot fatigue.”  The vast majority of high propensity voters however do not suffer from this condition

High propensity voters have opinions and want their voices heard in every single race.

High propensity voters are likely to make their ballots in “down ballot” races for city and county officers school boards, water districts, and every other seldom heard of elected position

These are the most consistent and active voters in our democratic system of government.

High propensity are typically well informed on the issues — or at least believe they are. On top of that, they don’t have a problem sharing their views with others in both in person and on social media.

Since you are a candidate for public office you more than likely know plenty of these high propensity voters already.

You are likely a high propensity voter yourself.  Seriously, when was the last time you skipped voting in an election?

High propensity voters are the first people your campaign should be targeting.

Candidates in low turnout races or in down ballot races during a high turnout election often rely on high propensity voters to win.

You not only cannot neglect them, but you need to get to them early and often.

Knock on their doors. Call them on the phone. Send them letters introducing yourself a several weeks before Election Day.

Now high propensity voters may initially be a bit skeptical of you, perhaps even cynical, when you introduce yourself.

That’s okay. They will like that fact that you want to talk to them about your race, value their opinions, and are willing to work your butt off to earn their votes.

High propensity voters will have questions. Therefore you best have good answers to demonstrate you are knowledgeable and worthy of the position you are seeking. That is key to earning their precious votes.

Spend the time necessary to persuade as many high propensity voters as you can to become your supporters.

Not only are they crucial because of their great likelihood to vote in your race, once you have of of them in your corner they will become amongst your most vocal supporters.

They will tell their spouses to vote for you. They’ll demand their kids to vote for you. They’ll make sure their neighbors and everyone else on their block knows that your the candidate that should be elected.

If you are truly running to win your election, then get out there and get as many high propensity voters in your district on board as supporters of your campaign now.

They could make the difference between you winning or losing when the votes are counted on Election Night.