Why Winning Candidate Must Always Have A Campaign Website

This should go without saying, but in 21st Century America, your campaign needs to have a website.

It doesn’t matter if you are running in an area that only has 300 voters or if you’ve been a public figure for 20 years — you need a website.

15 years ago I would not have given that advice.

I would have said a website is nice, but it’s not essential.

But ever since Steve Jobs rolled out the iPhone and numerous competitors followed with their smart phones, that all changed.

Before the mobile revolution voters had to take the time to sit down at their computer and look you up.

Most wouldn’t, but that’s all changed.

As one of my online mentors, Michael Hyatt tends to says, “If you don’t have a website, you don’t exist.”

That’s true for everything.

Businesses, products, services, and leaders.

Now that nearly everyone has a computer in their hand, they can search about you instantly on Google or with Siri.

When a voter decides to look you up online, you better make sure you have a presence there.

That does not mean you have a Facebook page – though you should have that too.

It means you need have a website.

89% of America is online.

They have information at their finger tips – literally.

When the voters search your name online, what will they find?

Will they find your campaign website?

Will they be able to learn about you, your priorities, and your supporters?

Or will they find nothing and come to believe you are not a viable candidate because you don’t even have a website?

Or worse, will they find what other people are saying about you online?

Candidate Take Aways

You need to have a website that voters can easily find, and where they can learn about you and what you’re about.

It needs to be mobile friendly. A majority of people now use a phone to browse the internet, you’re probably one of them.

It needs to tie to your name. It shouldn’t be something too long or funky.

It doesn’t need to cost you a lot of money.

If you don’t have a website for your campaign it’s best to fix that oversight now before it’s too late.

Besides, if you’re not defining yourself online, then it’s a darn good bet your opponent is doing it for you — and the voters.

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